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School Hours

8:30 am - 3:00  pm


If students are not enrolled in the Extended Day Program, they should not arrive to school prior to 8:00 as there is not enough supervision.

Car riders and Day Care Riders

Car riders are to be dropped off in front of the school at or after 8:00 am. Please do not allow your student to exit the vehicle before that time. Use the parking lot facing Cleveland Street, in the curved driveway, making two lanes (for the safety of our students and staff: no lane changing unless directed by JEF staff, please).

 The short lanes between the parked cars May not be used For dropoff purposes. Vehicles pulling in there will be directed to exit to cleveland and re-enter the drive to use the curved lanes for dropoff. For the safety of the students, there are no exceptions for this.

 Please only allow your child to exit the car in the circular driveway on the right-hand side of the vehicle. This is for safety and expediency. Students should be ready to leave the car, with their items in hand. Should you need to give your child instructions, please do so before entering the drop-off line, as it holds up traffic.

It is Highly recommended that you turn right on Cleveland Street when exiting the school property. Using GPS can help you navigate so as to not back up traffic waiting on the traffic light at Kings Road. 


Enter the school through the 3rd Street parking lot. The door they will enter will be the door closest to the Cat Walk at 8:00 am. Students entering from Cleveland Street MUST stay on the sidewalk. 

Bus riders: 

Students will be dropped off on the 3rd Street side of the school. PLEASE tag your child with student name/contact info/bus number(s)/transfer(s)/ and begining/end destinations (home/school) to help your child as their bus route may be new or different from the previous year. 

For Example:

Jamie Doe (legal name please, not nicknames) Grade___, 904-555-5555 parent phone

AM rider

Bus#24 on at Main St & Maple St, transfer to Bus #12 @Maple School, off at John E. Ford

PM rider

Bus #12 on at John E. Ford, transfer to Bus #6 at Oak School, off at Main St & Maple St

KG students must have a signed bus form for each bus (am and pm). These forms will be available at school the week of 8/8/22. Bus drivers will not allow KG students to ride the bus without it.

Please allow extra time for all pickups and dropoffs during the first week of school as new students/procedures become more familiar.

Our goal is the safe arrival and dismissal of all our students each and every day!  


If your child's normal way of dismissal changes, PLEASE update information in the Pikmykid app. If you are unable to update the information, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Students will dismiss their normal way if written permission is  not given for a different way. For safety purposes, we are not able to simply take a student's word for changes in dismissal. Thank you for understanding!

Car riders: 

Students will be brought to the cafeteria to be dismissed to their cars. Please be patient as we call for each child to be dismissed. Please have the car rider sign prominently displayed in your front window/dashboard with the child's name visible.

Please allow extra time for all pickups and dropoffs during the first week of school as new students/procedures become more familiar.

Our goal is the safe arrival and dismissal of all our students each and every day!


Students will be dismissed through the Cleveland Street gate.


Students will dismiss through the Cleveland Street gate and walk as a group to TNT with counselors from TNT.

Day Care Riders: 

Students will load into their vans on 3rd Street. Please make sure your child knows the name of their Day Care Van.

Bus students: 

Students will load on to their buses at 3rd Street. Please label your student with the 2 buses that your child rides. (Usually the first month of school)

Extended Day Students:  

The students will be picked up from their classes and taken to Extended Day. Parents will report to the front office to pick up their children in the evening. Identification MUST be provided 

Drop-ins are not permitted for extended day; students must already be enrolled and current with the session payment before extended day services can be rendered. Services for Extended Day are not prorated for entrance or exit from a session.