Administrators and teachers of the Duval County Public Schools shall enforce dress and grooming guidelines that promote successful operation of the school. The site administrators shall be the final judge as to neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting or in violation of health and safety rules.
Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately for the school environment. Wearing apparel, hair and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom atmosphere, shall not be unusual, provocative or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school. These guidelines for dress and grooming are provided to assist parents and to all students of Duval County Public School.
Students dress and grooming shall be neat and clean and follow the general guidelines:
The wearing of overly tight, low cut, very loose, short or distracting, extreme or inappropriate apparel is not permitted on campus.
The length of shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh (3 inches above the knee). When in doubt, the length should be fingertip length. Garments such as boxer shorts or pajama pants, traditionally designed as undergarments, may not be worn as outer garments. Undergarments should not be displayed. Boys’ swimwear may not be worn as shorts.
Shirts or blouses must be worn at all times. No undershirts, or mesh/net shirts may be worn without appropriate undergarments. Tank, halter, midriff, backless and spaghetti-strap tops are prohibited. Straps on top must be of at least a “three finger” width to ensure coverage of lingerie. Bare midriffs should not show when hands or arms are raised.
The waistband of shorts, slacks and similar garments should not be worn below the hips. If belt, suspenders, or straps are worn, they shall be worn in place and fastened.
Shoes must be worn at all times. Bedroom shoes are not permitted due to safety reasons. Flip flops or backless sandals may be worn, but parents should remember that multiple flights of stairs are traveled during an average school day and make wardrobe decisions accordingly.
Clothing and accessories shall not be worn if they display profanity, violence, discriminatory messages, sexually suggestive phrases, drawing and advertisements. Symbols and words depicting alcohol, tobacco, violence, weapons, gang actions, sex or drugs are not permitted.
Head coverings including, but not limited to, caps, hats, scarves, bandanas, and/ or sunglasses shall not be worn inside school buildings, unless required by a physician or authorized by school administration.
Hairstyles shall be appropriate and consistent with good grooming. Preparatory grooming (such as curlers or hair picks) and hair styles that are distracting and disruptive to the educational process are not permitted. Hair color, if dyed, should be of natural coloring (brown, black, blonde, red (natural hue).
Excessive safety pins in clothing, spiked jewelry, wallet chains, or any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury to oneself or other students are not allowed.
Torn clothing with holes will not be permitted. This includes holes in the knees of jeans.
Pajamas and/or sleepwear of any kind are not permitted
C.. The code of appearance is intended to provide guidelines for acceptable apparel and appearance. Any school may modify these guidelines addressing student appearance at that school.
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