Activities and Clubs
Our school is proud to have an award winning 4H program as a part of our Academy of Life Sciences. Students are excited to join and look forward to all of the exciting activities planned by this organization. Ms. Blackburn and Ms. Perez provide a nurturing and enriching program that students benefit from. Students are encouraged to participate in poultry judging contests, raising award winning rabbits, representing Sheffield at City Council meetings, and so much more. For further information, please contact Ms. Blackburn at Email Ms. Blackburn.
For additional information, please visit the 4H Extension Office Website as well.
4H Registration: Attention parents and students! There will be more information about a Virtual Open House Coming soon. This year, there will be 25 spots. Your child must be 8 years old by September 1st, 2020 in order to participate.
Parents: Please take a moment to download and view the following documents before signing up for 4H.