We have launched our Million Word Campaign school-wide. All children in the school should work to reach the goal of a million words for the school year. If the children are non-readers, we ask that you help them by reading to them each night and then logging those titles into their book log.
The goal of the Million Word Campaign each year is to give our students an appreciation for good literature and to help them with their reading fluency as well. For our young readers, we want them to begin to look at pictures and print and putting stories together in a logical manner. As they continue to spend time with books they will also begin to learn the words on the page. If we talk to our children about what we read together or what they read we can get a sense for whether they are comprehending, understanding), the author’s purpose for writing the story. Also remember that there are a variety of items children can access to read. Magazines and newspapers are also tools to introduce your children reading. When children are readers they become lifelong learners and that is our ultimate goal for them. There is so much information they can receive through reading books of all types and all genres. Help your child reach their goal and log those books.
Together, everyone achieves more by reading! Let’s have fun with reading and fun reading with our children.
Grade Level Book Goals:
KG - 100 books
1st - 100 books
2nd - 125 books
3rd - 30 books
4th - 1,800 pages
5th - 1,800 pages