Code of Appearance
Unless an active uniform policy is in effect directly by the school, the following Code of Appearance guidelines apply to every elementary and secondary school student. Please contact the school directly for school based uniform policies, and/or any questions.
Administrators and teachers of the Duval County Public Schools shall enforce dress and grooming guidelines that promote the successful operation of the schools. The site administration shall be the final judge as to neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation of health and safety rules. Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately and have respect for self, others and the school environment. Wearing apparel, jewelry (such as body piercing (s), ornaments), hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom atmosphere, shall not be unusually provocative, and/or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school. These guidelines for dress and grooming are provided to assist parents/guardians and shall apply to all students in the Duval County Public Schools. Student dress and grooming shall be neat and clean, and follow the general guidelines below.
Elementary school students are not allowed to wear shoes without closed heels or back straps.
Shoes must be worn. However, bedroom shoes or slippers shall not be worn.
Halter-tops, tank tops, backless tops, tops with thin or no straps, or tops that show midriff or expose the body are prohibited.
See-through or mesh garments shall not be worn without appropriate undergarments.
Form-fitting or overly tight clothing shall not be worn without appropriate outer garments.
Properly hemmed outer garments such as shorts, divided skirts, and dresses may be worn, provided they are not disruptive or distractive, as determined by the school administration. Garments including, but not limited to, such items as boxer shorts, traditionally designed as undergarments, may not be worn as outer garments.
Clothing and accessories shall not be worn if they display profanity, violence, lewd and obscene messages, sexually suggestive phrases, or advertisements, phrases or symbols of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs or other symbols phrases or advertisements that would be offensive to common propriety or decency.
Head coverings, including, but not limited to, caps, hats, bandannas, hair curlers, and/or sunglasses, shall not be worn on school property, unless required by a physician or authorized by school personnel.
Students are prohibited from wearing clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment. The waistband of shorts, slacks, skirts, and similar garments shall not be worn below the hips. Clothing which is not worn appropriately, is not properly fastened, is suggestive, or has tears that reveal or expose body parts, has printing with words or pictures that have a sexual connotation will not be permitted. All trousers, including oversized or low-hanging trousers, must be worn and secured at waist level. Underwear, midriff and back may not be exposed. If belts, suspenders, and straps are worn, they shall be worn in place and fastened.
Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury to oneself or to other students are not allowed.
All students must adhere to these minimal guidelines for acceptable apparel and appearance. A school may implement a school uniform requirement through the shared decision-making process, with input from the School Advisory Council. In order to maximize instructional time, students will be given an opportunity to immediately correct dress code violations.