Mandarin Oaks Elementary is extremely passionate about providing the best education for our gifted and talented students. We are thrilled to have been selected as one of eight elementary schools to offer the Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.) program as a non-dedicated magnet school. Our vision is to provide unique opportunities for our high-achieving students to delve deeper into content areas as well as prepare them for various in-demand S.T.E.M. fields. By integrating the gifted curriculum into the G.A.T.E. classroom on a full-time basis, we can maximize the time the students have access to rigorous and creative education. Students will have more choice in how they show mastery of content, therefore creating a more engaging learning environment for the students.
All of our highly-qualified, specially trained, G.A.T.E. teachers will provide much needed enrichment for our academically talented students. With a solid understanding of gifted learners, teachers will be able to design instruction to meet their specific needs as well as build their strengths. Students in the G.A.T.E. program will continue to have access to gifted specialists who will provide extra guidance and support for the teachers of the gifted and the gifted and talented students.
If you have further questions or need assistance, please contact Mrs. Alicia Pitts, Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator. She can be reached at Email Alicia Pitts.