The PTA at Merrill Road Elementary School is always ready to welcome new members! The PTA is constantly working to better our school and community. They arrange meetings to keep parents informed on upcoming activities, as well as plan many different events such as carnivals and teacher appreciation week.
To find out more information about how to join PTA and what you can do to assist, contact them!
Message from the PTA
Hello Parents and Guardians,
As we continue to get the 2021-2022 off to a great start, I wanted to make you aware of a few things about Merrill Road Elementary PTA. Did you know that…
PTA Volunteering - Joining Merrill Road Elementary PTA does not require you to volunteer your time. We are all very busy with work, family and other obligations. Your membership alone will help PTA fund programs that will go to programs to help your children and the school. But, if you wish to volunteer, we have so many opportunities for you to help your child’s school. Please contact our Volunteer Liaison ___________________
Donations – Donations to PTA are accepted. Some families would rather make a simple one-time donation to PTA rather than participate the fund-raising activities throughout the year. If this describes you, then we are happy to accept your donation.
Birthday Sign - Would you like to see your child’s name on the school marquis on his/her birthday? For $10, PTA will display your child’s name on the Merrill Road Elementary school marquis (located in the car-rider parking lot area) during their birthday week. We will only use first names to protect your child’s identity. Your children will be thrilled to see their name on the big sign in recognition of their special day!
Fall/Winter event - We are currently planning our Fall/Winter activity and will soon be sending out information on this.
Thank you for your support of MRE PTA!
Merrill Road Elementary PTA President