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School Hours

8:30 am - 3:00 pm


NVE Faculty and Staff do not report to morning duty until 8am.  Therefore, students are not allowed to enter the building until 8am.  Exception: Safety Patrols will enter at 7:30am. 

School promptly begins at 8:30am.  Bringing your child to school late hinders their success and disrupts the learning environment. 

Car Riders

All K-5 students must be dropped off using the Lindsey Road entrance.  Pre-K/Headstart students must be signed in and parents must accompany students to their classrooms every day.  Car Circle entrance will be closed daily at 8:30am.  Once the gate is closed parents must park and walk their child to the front entrance to receive a tardy slip.


We are responsible for ensuring all students depart our school every day in an orderly and safe manner.  We must receive written notification from the parent of changes to your child’s mode of transportation. You may communicate this in your child’s planner or via Class Dojo. Calls cannot be made direct to classrooms during instruction. Please avoid early check outs if at all possible.  Per FL Statue 10001.24-no student checkout within the last 45 minutes of the school day.

Head Start: Dismissal at 2:30; early dismissal days at 12:45. NO early checkout after 1:45 and 12:15 on early dismissal days.

VPK-5: Dismissal begins at 2:45; early dismissal days at 1:00.  NO early checkouts after 2:15 and 12:45 on early dismissal days.