Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
General Procedures
Students may begin arriving at the school at 8:00 am.
FREE Breakfast will be served in the classrooms for all grades Pre-K thru 5th Grades.
Students may walk or ride bikes.
Car Riders need to be dropped off in the car rider loop. Please do not drop students off in the parking lot. In addition to creating a safety concern for your child, this creates added congestion for our buses.
Late Arrival: Students who are late need to report to the front office for a tardy slip. An adult must walk students to the office and sign them in when they arrive late to school.
Dismissal begins at 2:50 pm with car riders and bus riders.
Walkers will be dismissed at 3:00 pm.
Extended Day students will report to their designated area by 3:00 pm.
Available Dismissal Options
All families must activate their Pikmykid account to control all dismissal options for their student(s). Following set-up, all dismissal arrangements must be made within this app via your smart phone or computer.
If you do not have a hang tag, please contact the front office at (904) 696-8762.
Car Riders:
You must register your account in our automated pick-up application, "Pikmykid." Should you have any questions, please reach out to the front office, as indicated above.
Hang Tags: Every child that you are picking up needs to have their last name displayed from the rear view mirror or dashboard. Please keep moving forward until we walk the child to your car. If you need addiitonal hang tags, see the front office.
Walkers/Bike Riders:
Students who are walkers/bike riders will be released at 3:00pm.
By Florida State Statute, all bike riders must wear a helmet.
Extended Day:
Students must be registered in the Extended Day program prior to attending.
Students will be released to their designated area(s) at 3:00pm.
Bus Riders:
You must register your account in our automated pick-up application, "Pikmykid." Should you have any questions, please reach out to the front office, as indicated above.
Students will be released to their designated area(s) at 2:45 pm.
Early Dismissal Wednesdays:
Dismissal begins at 1:00 pm with car riders and bus riders.
Walkers will be dismissed at 1:10 pm.
Extended Day students will report to their designated area by 1:15 pm.