Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
School Hours
School hours are from 8:24 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and 8:24a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Early Dismissal Days. Free breakfast is served for 8:00 a.m. to 8:24 a.m.
Students should not arrive at school earlier than 8:00 a.m. Arriving earlier than this time places students in danger as there is no supervision available.
Students arriving after 8:30 should report directly to the front office to receive a tardy slip. Students who arrive at school after the tardy bell, which rings at 8:30, will not be accepted into their classrooms without a tardy slip. Parents, please ensure that your child is on time each day.
This year all DCPS schools will utilize the Pikmykid App to dismiss students. Students who are being dismissed in a different manner than normal (for example: Johnny is a car rider most days, but today he is walking home) are required to provide written notification from the parent or guardian stating the change, an email to the student’s teacher regarding the change, or notification within the Pik My Kid app. Phone call changes can not be accepted, as there is no way to verify that the person calling is a legal guardian.
No students will be checked out after 2:15 p.m. and 12:45 Early Dismissal Days. Students not enrolled in afternoon Extended Day must be picked up no later than 3:10 p.m. If you are unable to pick up your child by 3:10 p.m., please consider the following options:
Enroll your child in Team Up which meets until 6pm
Utilize the school bus system.
To find the appropriate schedule, visit www.duvalschools.org, click on Departments, select Transportation, then Routes and Times; or call 858-6200 to get more information and access the school bus routes closest to your residence.
It is very important that students know in advance how they are going to go home each day. For the safety of our students, the office can no longer accept phone calls regarding children’s dismissal arrangements. If you need to change the way your child gets home during the day, you will need to fax the written request with a photocopy of your identification. If you do not have access to a fax machine, you are welcome to hand deliver the request to the school.
Dismissal and movement of students begins at 2:55 with release of students to go home beginning at 3:00 pm.
All parents and guardians must follow the dismissal procedures as outlined below:
Car Riders: Parents/Guardians must travel through the circular drive at the school’s front entrance. Upon arrival, please stay in your vehicle. A teacher will call the child and walk the child to the car. It is never acceptable to walk up through this line to get your child.
Due to the high volume of traffic at dismissal, please only make a right hand turn into our driveway. In other words, please do not cut into the line by attempting to make a left hand turn into the car rider line. Left turns cause a back up on both sides of the road which could result in a head on collision.
Day Care Van Riders: To pick up students, providers must travel through the bus loop on Ellis Road. Day Care vans are to pull in behind school buses.
Walkers: All walkers will be dismissed at 2:55. Walkers will be dismissed out of the Ellis Road side of the school building. Students are to cross the street with the assistance of the crossing guard.
Team Up: Students enrolled in Team Up are to report directly to the Team Up area of the auditorium. Team Up begins at 3:00 and ends at 6:00. Please contact Ms. Amy Blake, Director for more information 693-7576 ext 146.