We are participating in the General Mills Box Tops for Education program. You can help us earn money for our school by clipping Box Tops logos from hundreds of General Mills products and sending them to the school. Please place them in a baggy and turn them in to the teacher or the front office. Remember, we get 10 cents for each box top we redeem and even more for Box Tops from items purchased at wholesale clubs like BJ's or Sam's club.
A second way to earn cash for Reynolds Lane is by shopping on-line at the Box Tops for Education marketplace found at BoxTops 4 Education site. Designate Reynolds Lane Elementary as your school of choice when registering and up to 10% of your qualifying purchases at stores like Barnes & Noble, LandsEnd and Eddie Bauer will go to the school.
Let's get to clipping those Box Tops! Our goal this year is $600!
Thank you for your support!