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Safety Patrol Fundraisers

Support our patrols as they raise money for the end of the year Safety Patrol trip. Here are some ways you can participate. 

Smencil Sale

Smencil Sale

Safety patrols are now selling smencil for $1.00. You can buy your smencil in the cafeteria before or after school, or ask your classroom teacher if she is sponsoring smencils in her classroom.

Box Tops for Education 

Box Tops for Education 

Box Top Competition - Start bringing box tops so your classroom can win the competition. Every class that reaches 200 box tops is a winner!!

School Safety Patrol

Patrol Expectations

  • Arrive at school by 7:50 am

  • Check in, eat breakfast, and be on post by 8:00 am

  • Posts end at 3:15 daily

  • Be in school uniform daily

  • Be examples to the rest of the student body