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Project EDGE (Enhancing, Developing, and Generating Excellence) was initially implemented during the 1990-91 school year. The project was designed to provide opportunities for academically talented students to participate in a process-oriented instructional program. EDGE is an enrichment program that focuses on critical appreciation, creative expression, and social processes through activities that enhance, develop, and generate academic skills learned in the regular classroom.


The mission of project EDGE is to identify and nurture the development of students from all cultures and socio-economic levels in order to maximize their intellectual and creative potential and to enhance their accessibility to the traditional gifted program.

Project Goals:

  • Increase self-confidence in a variety of learning situations

  • Develop verbal and non-verbal communication skills

  • Improve time management skills

  • Apply creative thinking techniques to problem solving situations

  • Develop and improve positive leadership skills through individual and group activities

  • Enhance higher level thinking skills

Program Structure:

Students in EDGE will be taught the curriculum used throughout the Duval County Public Schools, with an emphasis on three of the five strands:

  1. Critical Appreciation

  2. Creative Expression

  3. Social Processes

Lego Robotics

Shiva Robotics Academy

Shiva Robotics Academy Logo

Fee Based Program

It's never too early to discover Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.  FIRST LEGO league, JR is designed to introduce S.T.E.M. concepts to young students while exciting them through a brand they know and love--LEGO.  Students explore a real world scientific problem and create a Show Me poster. They learn to design, build and program motorized models using LEGO elements.  

Class Legth: 1 hour 15 minutes

Class Timing: 1-2:15

Every Tuesday for Grades K (October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. November 1,8,15, 29.  December 4,11,18)

Every Thursday for Grades 2&3 (October 4,11,18,25. November 1,8,15,29.  December 6,13,20)

Course Duration: 11 Sessions

Course Fee: $80

For More InfoShiva Robotics