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Tech Team


Using technology to broadcast important school information, communicate with all classrooms, and generate a sense of community within R.V.Daniels.  The primary mode of communication is through closed circuit t.v.


  • To foster a sense of  independence and responsibility.

  • To allow students to properly handle and use technology.

  • To teach students proper methods of communication.

  • To give students experience with scripting and running a daily show.

  • To effectively communicate information in an engaging manner. 


Our school participates in a national program. Click here to learn more about the Robotics program.

Drama Club


To explore and gain experience in a creative endeavor through practicing oral reading, musical expression, proper fluency, and cooperation in a collaborative group setting.


To enhance literacy skills through reading, oral presentation, music and acting that provides entertainment and enjoyment in a positive and self-directed way.

Drama club performing

Chess Club


To promote critical thinking and to foster love for competitive Chess and brain games.   

Chess club is taught by local High School Volunteers after school on early release days. The club is monitored by RVD staff and sponsored by Mrs. Caldwell (the principal).  

chess pieces

Girls Who Code Club

Girls Who Code Program

Girls Who Code Club is faciliated by Mrs. Richardson-Miller.  The club is open to girls in grades 3-5, the club will meet every Thursday, beginning January 23, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. In room 16.