R.V. Daniels Elementary K-5 Dedicated Magnet has adopted a School Uniform that will continue this school year. All students are expected to wear the appropriate uniform to school each day. Parents, you may purchase school uniform shirts online through our uniform provider, Poindexter's Uniforms.
R.V. Daniel's Uniform:
Every R.V. Daniels student is required to wear the following:
Tops: Navy Blue, Royal Blue, or Light Blue collar shirts
Bottoms: Navy Blue, Khaki or Black Pants, Knee Length Shorts or Skirts
Shoes: All shoes must have a back or heel strap. "Crock" style shoes may NOT be worn. Students will have outdoor playtime daily (weather permitting) and shoes should be appropriate for this purpose. Students may bring a change of shoes for recess/PE if desired.
Additionally, students may either bring a sweater or light jacket that zips or buttons in the front ot wear if they are cold. Poindexter's offers a fleece jacket embroidered with the school logo as an option. Hooded jackets or sweatshrts may not be worn over uniform shirts.
Parents of students who are not in uniform will be notified to bring the appropriate attire for school.
DCPS General Code of Appearance
Administrators and teachers of the Duval County Public Schools shall enforce dress and grooming guidelines that promote the successful operation of the schools. The site administration shall be the final judge as to neatness and cleanliness of wearing apparel and whether or not such apparel is appropriate, disruptive, distracting, or in violation of health and safety rules.
Each student has the responsibility to dress appropriately and have respect for self, others and the school environment. Wearing apparel, jewelry (such as body piercing (s), ornaments), hair, and general appearance shall not disrupt the classroom atmosphere, shall not be unusually provocative, and/or shall not violate health and safety rules of the school. These guidelines for dress and grooming are provided to assist parents/guardians and shall apply to all students in the Duval County Public Schools. Student dress and grooming shall be neat and clean, and follow the general guidelines below
All students must adhere to these minimal guidelines for acceptable apparel and appearance. A school may implement a school uniform requirement through the shared decision-making process, with input from the School Advisory Council. In order to maximize instructional time, students will be given an opportunity to immediately correct dress code violations. If the student is unable to immediately correct the dress code violation and the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the student will be placed in in-school suspension.