Creative Writing

Audition Information

Preparing for the Audition:

Students interested in auditioning for Creative Writing should bring a 3-prong soft folder (no hard cover binders) containing three original pieces they have written THIS school year.

The folder should be labeled with the student's first and last name on the cover. The pieces should demonstrate at least two types of writing such as poetry, short story (fiction), or creative non-fiction. The pieces may be typed or handwritten.

The students should also include a 4-6 sentence Personal Statement on why the student loves writing and why the student wants to be in the Creative Writing Department at LaVilla.

The student folder WILL NOT be returned, so please only provide COPIES.

At the Audition:

• Students will participate in a personal interview.

• An on-demand, timed writing prompt will be given to the student.

• Students will also participate in an oral recitation during the audition

Student performing written work on stage

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”  -Toni Morrison


Students collaborating

Child reading story outloud