Audition Information
Please complete these drawings on solid white paper and bring them along with you to the audition date that was assigned to you.
(No additional portfolio or drawings please)
Follow instructions to complete the two drawings below.
Still Life 1:
Set up a still life of 3 apples. Arrange them in an interesting way under a light source such as a lamp that creates cast shadows from the objects onto the surface. Draw this as accurately as possible then add values using your pencil. Remember to draw large and fill the entire paper. Use drawing paper and pencil. Do not smudge values with your finger at all, build value with your pencil by layering. Please do not include the lamp as part of the still life.

Still Life 2:
Set a still life of a group of objects that belong together to create a theme. They might be things from your bedroom, kitchen items or other things that you like. Make sure they look interesting and fun in the way you set them up. Arrange them in an interesting way under a light source such as a lamp that creates cast shadows from the objects onto the surface. Draw this as accurately as possible then add values using your pencil. Remember to draw large and fill the entire paper. Use drawing paper and pencil. Do not smudge values with your finger at all. Please do not include the lamp as part of the still life.
Important Terminology:
Value: lightness and darkness of a color. In this case your pencil. Created by layering graphite with your pencil, more layers make darker values. Less lighter layers make the lighter values. Value should help us understand the way light hits a subject.
Composition: The way objects are arranged in a drawing. Good composition uses the entire paper.
What do I do when I finish?
Please clearly write the following information on the back of BOTH completed drawings.
Name_____________Current Grade level _______Date________________
Current School_______________________________Phone_______________
Then bring these drawings to the audition date that was assigned to you. Please do not bring anything else along for the audition. You do not need any pencils, drawing accessories or portfolios. We will provide all the materials required. The audition will take about 45 minutes. See you soon 😊