For the first day of school, parents may escort their children directly to their classrooms. After the first day of school, we ask that parents drop children off at the main entrance. Any entrance after the first day of school requires a background clearance, visitor’s sticker, and front office sign-in.
Please select one mode of transportation (walker, car rider, bus, Extended Day) for how your child will get home for the year. We will be housing all dismissal zones indoors, and taking attendance each day. Any change in transportation must be made in writing. We are unable to accept changes over the phone, unless in case of emergency and approved by administration. Please have any changes submitted to the Front Office by 12:00 (noon). We are unable to accommodate daily changes in transportation, but will do our best to assist families in getting their child home safely and securely.
As always, we encourage and support your participation and involvement at Seabreeze. Moving forward into the year, we ask for your help in remaining diligent about safety procedures. Please make sure you sign in and remain visibly identified during your volunteering and visits to our school! For additional information, please see DCPS Board Policy 3.40 “Safe and Secure Schools” and 9.60 “Visitors.” You may also reach out to Principal Kimball personally during your next visit, via email (Email Kimball) or telephone (247-5900 ext. 105).