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Friends of Seabreeze

seabreeze logo

Friends of Seabreeze is a Nonprofit dedicated to supporting Seabreeze Elementary in Jacksonville Beach.

Enhance Seabreeze Elementary by:

  • Funding STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programming for all students to expand educational opportunities

  • Supporting educators through grants, program assistance, appreciation events, and much more!

  • Providing enrichment programs to support the whole child

  • Providing outreach support to promote the welfare of students in home, school and throughout the community

  • Promoting the collaboration and engagement of families and educators to create a sense of community between parents, students, and faculty through meetings and school-based family activities.

Check out The Friends of Seabreeze Facebook page to see how this nonprofit has helped our students and to find the best ways to help support our school.

Board Members

President - vacant 

Vice President - Lauren Stout

Secretary - Laura Barnett

Treasurer - Justin Witt

Volunteer Coordinator - Megan Tiliakos 

Seahorse Spirit Rock

wall that says congrats 2022 grads

Rent the Seahorse Spirit Rock!

The Seahorse Spirit Rock is brought to you by Friends of Seabreeze and is a great way to share positivity and excitement in our community.  This is a reservation only program, at $25/day, where you can send well wishes, birthday wishes, holiday cheer or show appreciation for your favorite teacher or staff member!  Simply sign up for the day you want, submit payment and have fun painting the rock, located in front of our Seabreeze Elementary school, the day prior to your reservation.