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Seabreeze loves volunteers!  

To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers who will be at the school more than once, plan to have lunch with a student, volunteer in a class, and/or chaperone a field trip, must complete an application and undergo a criminal background screening, free of charge. Please note--DCPS is no longer using volunteer cards as proof of clearance. Designated school staff will verify volunteer clearance using our online process. Anyone, including parents, who will visit the campus more than once to help must complete the process.  It can be completed on your computer in a matter of minutes. The application approval process takes 1-2 weeks. The volunteer clearance lasts for 2 years from the date of approval. 

Complete the volunteer background screening online using the link below.  


Thank You for volunteering with our students! If you have any questions please call the front office, 904-249-5900 option 2

Please remember to sign in and out using the Volunteer Sign-in Book in the front office. Your volunteer hours help not only students and teachers, but also help schools achieve awards from the Florida Department of Education.

  • Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. (Current DCPS students under 18 must complete the Under 18 Consent Form found here and submit it to the school)

  • If you don't have access to a computer, you may use a computer at a school to complete the application.