The School Counseling Office
Samuel Wolfson Mission Statement
Samuel Wolfson School for Advanced Studies & Leadership fosters academic excellence through comprehensive curricula and rigorous studies.
Ms. Janetta Jones | Assistant Principal of Curriculum | |
Ms. Jana Jolly | School Counselor (A-L) | |
Ms. Nancy Salgado | School Counselor (M-Z) | |
Ms. Katie Heller | College Liaison | |
Ms. Denise Starn | Data Entry Clerk |
Contact Us
Questions regarding Grades?
Email your Teachers directly
Questions regarding scheduling?
Email Ms. Janetta Jones
Questions regarding ESE/IEP?
Email Ms. Hood
Questions regarding Lockers? Records? Seniors/Class of 2024?
Email Ms. Denise Starn
Questions regarding the International Baccalaureate or AP Magnet program?
Email Ms. Benga
Questions regarding Colleges and/or Scholarships?
Email Ms. Katie Heller
Questions regarding Attendance/absences?
Email Ms. Burt
Questions regarding Section 504 or Graduation Requirements?
Email Ms. Jana Jolly (last names A-L)
Email Ms. Salgado (last names M-Z)
Not sure who to ask?
Email Ms. Janetta Jones. Please note: The best, fastest way to a response is through the above email contacts and/or virtual appointments via TEAMS.
Schedule Information
Once you receive your schedule, check for the following:
All 4 core academic classes (i.e. you have English, Math, Science, Social Studies)
No Duplicate classes (i.e. English twice) or Missing classes (i.e. no class/blank for 2nd period)
No Classes you have already taken/passed (i.e. you can only take HOPE once)
No Classes for which you are not eligible (i.e. AP ENG COMP when you are a Freshman)
If all of your classes are correct but you want to request a schedule change (you want a different Science, you’re placed in Chorus but you should have Band), then you will need to submit a Schedule Change Request online here.
The deadline to submit requests will end on Friday, August 9, 2024. Requests are first come, first serve (so don’t wait). Note: You are not guaranteed a schedule change – some schedules are just not able to change.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack"
Rudyard Kipling