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The responsibility of the school advisory council is:

  • To provide parents, citizens, faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, assessment of a school’s needs, and identification of local resources.

The functions of school advisory councils are:

  • To assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan (SIP) (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).

  • To assist in the preparation of educational improvement proposals for implementing an educational improvement grant.

  • To assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).

  • To assist in completion of the Mid-Year Stakeholder Assessment.

  • To perform functions prescribed by regulations of the district school board (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).

Other broad functions of the school advisory councils: 

  • To participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds.

  • To initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school.

  • To assist in the development of educational goals and objectives.

  • To provide input regarding the district’s Strategic Plan.

  • To review and provide input on curriculum issues.

  • To recommend various support services and resources.

  • To review the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school as they relate to the safety, welfare and educational opportunities of the students.

  • To review the budget to be sure it is aligned with the School Improvement Plan.

  • To perform other functions as requested by the principal.


For more information about SAC, please contact the main office at 904-720-1650.

SAC Meeting Minutes

May 14th, 2024 at 3:00pm


  1. Welcome & Introduction:

    1. SAC Committee Introductions/Roll Call/Determination of a Quorum: Jennifer Martinez-Assistant Principal, Maxine Lindsay-Parent Liaison, Jennifer Mattison-Public Library, Shane Santora-Teacher, LaTarsha Wilson-School Counselor

    2. Approval of April SAC minutes-Next Meeting

    3. Approval of November and December minutes- S. Langford made a motion to approve and M. Lindsay second the motion

  2. SAC chair information/updates

  3. Updates:

    • Rotary Club-Certificate given to Mr. Santora from Rotary Club for establishing an Interact Club.  The faculty and staff were appreciative of the new refrigerators given for the teacher’s lounge.

    • School Updates-State testing last week to include ELA, Biology, Algebra 1, Geometry, and US History.

    • Events-Multicultural Day-May 16th, Prom-May 19th, Seal of Biliteracy, Gateway Conference, and Meet and Greet the Superintendent Finalists (2 students from SGA with Santora) – May 13th, ESOL Ceremony-May 14th, Academic Signing Day – May 20th, Senior Awards Day-May 21st, Underclassmen Awards-May 28th, Baccalaureate Service-May 24th , and Graduation-May 31st .

    • Culinary Arts Program have achieved mastery level.

    • Library Updates - Summer Kickoff Party at the Library on June 7, Workforce Readiness and Personal Branding Workshop- June 25, Applications for volunteers were given.

  4. Public Comments

    1. SAC Chair/Principal reads public comments sent for the record.

  5. Next SAC Meeting:

    • Tuesday September 10th at 3:00pm

  6. Closing:

    • J. Martinez motioned to adjourn meeting and S. Langford 2nd at 3:27pm