The responsibility of the school advisory council is:
To provide parents, citizens, faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, assessment of a school’s needs, and identification of local resources.
The functions of school advisory councils are:
To assist in the preparation and evaluation of the school improvement plan (SIP) (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).
To assist in the preparation of educational improvement proposals for implementing an educational improvement grant.
To assist in the preparation of the school’s annual budget (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).
To assist in completion of the Mid-Year Stakeholder Assessment.
To perform functions prescribed by regulations of the district school board (Sec. 1001.452(2), F.S.).
Other broad functions of the school advisory councils:
To participate in planning and monitoring of school buildings and grounds.
To initiate activities or programs that generate greater cooperation between the community and the school.
To assist in the development of educational goals and objectives.
To provide input regarding the district’s Strategic Plan.
To review and provide input on curriculum issues.
To recommend various support services and resources.
To review the impact of property development and zoning changes in the vicinity of the school as they relate to the safety, welfare and educational opportunities of the students.
To review the budget to be sure it is aligned with the School Improvement Plan.
To perform other functions as requested by the principal.
For more information about SAC, please contact the main office at 904-720-1650.
SAC Meeting Minutes
May 14th, 2024 at 3:00pm
Welcome & Introduction:
SAC Committee Introductions/Roll Call/Determination of a Quorum: Jennifer Martinez-Assistant Principal, Maxine Lindsay-Parent Liaison, Jennifer Mattison-Public Library, Shane Santora-Teacher, LaTarsha Wilson-School Counselor
Approval of April SAC minutes-Next Meeting
Approval of November and December minutes- S. Langford made a motion to approve and M. Lindsay second the motion
SAC chair information/updates
Rotary Club-Certificate given to Mr. Santora from Rotary Club for establishing an Interact Club. The faculty and staff were appreciative of the new refrigerators given for the teacher’s lounge.
School Updates-State testing last week to include ELA, Biology, Algebra 1, Geometry, and US History.
Events-Multicultural Day-May 16th, Prom-May 19th, Seal of Biliteracy, Gateway Conference, and Meet and Greet the Superintendent Finalists (2 students from SGA with Santora) – May 13th, ESOL Ceremony-May 14th, Academic Signing Day – May 20th, Senior Awards Day-May 21st, Underclassmen Awards-May 28th, Baccalaureate Service-May 24th , and Graduation-May 31st .
Culinary Arts Program have achieved mastery level.
Library Updates - Summer Kickoff Party at the Library on June 7, Workforce Readiness and Personal Branding Workshop- June 25, Applications for volunteers were given.
Public Comments
SAC Chair/Principal reads public comments sent for the record.
Next SAC Meeting:
Tuesday September 10th at 3:00pm
J. Martinez motioned to adjourn meeting and S. Langford 2nd at 3:27pm