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Class instruction starts promptly at 8:30 a.m.  Your child will be missing valuable instruction if they arrive after this time.  Instruction ends at 3:00pm.  Early check-outs will disrupt learning.  Please refrain from checking your child out early unless you have an emergency or a scheduled appointment.


School opens at 8:00 a.m.  Students are not to arrive before 8 a.m. as there is no adult supervision. Students who are registered for Extended Day may enter the building prior to 8 a.m.  All students will report to either breakfast or their classroom hallway until the bell rings at 8:25 a.m.

All parents must get a visitor's badge from the front office in order to go into the school.

 Please be patient with our drop off line in the morning.  There is only one lane open for the safety of our students.  Please do not pull around any other vehicles or go through the cones.  We will have faculty/staff in place to help move the line along.


Bus riders - Students who ride the bus will be dismissed from class via cctv (closed circuit tv) as buses arrive.

Car riders - Students who are picked up in a car will be dismissed from class at 2:50 p.m.  Students will be housed in the Media Center as they wait for their car to arrive. All cars will have a tag to display from the rear view mirror. Please make sure to hang your tag with your child's name and grade, clearly printed, from your review mirror to help dismissal move quickly. One tag will be given out at orientation and during the first week of school, free of charge thanks to our PTA. After the first week, tags can be attained in the front office. Extra tags are $1.

CSS Car Riders- Parents/guardians of our CSS students will park in the faculty parking lot and will walk up to receive students at the bus door.

Walkers - Students who are Waterleaf walkers or Kernan walkers will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Kindergarten walkers must be met by a parent or guardian.

**Waterleaf walkers will be dismissed from the northwest corner of the school. Waterleaf walkers must walk through the gate to the neighborhood. Please be respectful of the home owners in the cul-de-sac. This is not a car pick up area!

**Kernan walkers will be dismissed from the southeast door of the school. We encourage all students to use the crossing guard at Mastin Cove Rd. for safety purposes.

Extended Day - Students will be dismissed to their extended day classroom at 3:10 p.m.