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Vonkesta Abrams
Graduation Coach, High
Westside High

Yaranel Abreu Ruiz
Athletic Coach
Coaches Only

Maysoon Abu Rub
Paraprofessional ESOL High
Atlantic Coast High School

Tisha Acevedo-Ocana
Paraprofessional ESOL Elem
San Jose Elementary

Jose Acevedo

Yazmine Acevedo
School Counselor, Elem
Kings Trail Elementary

Linda Acheampong
Mathematics, High
Westside High

Samuel Ackah
Emotional/Behavioral Disabilit
Normandy Village Elementary

Laney Acker
Art, Elem
Lone Star Elementary

Jeffery Ackerman
Music, High
Westside High

Bruce Ackley
Stock Clerk II
Warehouse Outbound

Melinda Acoff
Varying Exceptionalities
Grand Park Career Center

Susana Acosta
Paraprofessional ESOL Elem
Hogan-Spring Glen Elementary

Araba Acquah
Paraprofessional ASD
Westview K-8

Mary Acree
Social Worker - 12 Months
School Student Services

Michelle Acuna
Speech Language Pathologist
Bridge To Success Academy H S

Vaishali Adake
Im Systems Development

Alyson Adam
Social Studies, High
First Coast High

Michelle Adams-Manning
Reading, High
Mandarin High

Allison Adams
Office Education
Terry Parker High