A glimpse at the week of Dec.  9-13 at Arlington Middle School

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we approach the upcoming district exams next week, we wanted to ensure both students and families are well-prepared. These exams are an important opportunity for students to demonstrate what they’ve learned, and we’re here to support them through this process.

Here are some test-taking tips to help your child feel confident:

  1. Plan Ahead: Encourage your child to review material in short, focused sessions each day, avoiding last-minute cramming.

  2. Stay Organized: Make sure your child has all the necessary materials (pens, pencils, calculator, etc.) and knows where the exam will be held.

  3. Sleep Well: A good night’s sleep is key. Help your child stick to a routine that ensures they are well-rested before the test.

  4. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast: A healthy breakfast can improve focus and energy, so remind your child to eat something balanced before the exam.

  5. Practice Calmness: Remind your child to take deep breaths and stay calm. Confidence and a positive attitude can make a big difference.

We wish all our students the best of luck. Thank you for your continued support. Please take a look at the newsletter this week for a testing schedule and what your child will be learning in each class this upcoming week!