BIZI basics. What is Bizi? How does Bizi work? How can parents track progress? How can parents support Bizi?

Dear Parents and Guardians!

We are excited to share that your child will have the opportunity to use Bizi, an automated and interactive rewards system, during the upcoming school year. Bizi increases student motivation, elevates student achievement, and exposes students to financial literacy skills that they will use in the real world.

How Does Bizi work?

Students earn direct deposits of BiziBucks for their achievements in attendance, behavior, and academics. Within their very own Bizi Banking app, students track their progress, manage their earnings, and make “purchases” in an online school store.

How do students earn?

Students earn BiziBucks in the following ways:

  • Attendance - Students are paid for being present and on-time to each class.

  • Academics - Students are paid every two weeks on Academic Pay Day for their current grades in FOCUS.

  • Behavior - Students are paid for each period that they do not receive any flags from their teacher for negative behaviors.

  • Bizi Bonuses - Students can earn Bizi Bonuses from their teachers for demonstrating positive behaviors.

What should you know as a parent or guardian?

  • Students will be able to access Bizi through OneView. Encourage them to log onto the platform regularly and show them your account!

  • Your child may “purchase” items from the Bizi store. Please reach out directly to the school if there are any rewards that you do not want your child to be able to purchase.

  • You may visit to review Bizi’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Thank you in advance for your support! If you have any additional questions about Bizi, please feel free to reach out to us directly!