Unique Learning System is an online, standards-based curriculum specifically designed for special learners. Monthly instructional units are language based and thematically created. There is a focus on topics of Science and Social Studies. Each unit of study contains 30 lessons that are defined in three levels of differentiated tasks to accommodate the diversity of learners with significant disabilities.
Unique Learning System instructional targets are linked to the standards and curriculum content for students with disabilities. The instructional Targets are aligned to the Common Core Standards in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
The Unique curriculum provides a way to include ALL students in the same activity, with different levels of expectation through the use of differentiated leveling strategies. They include:
Level 1: Students require maximum supports. Increasing participation is the main objective.
Level 2: Students may require picture support and other direct support in learning and the demonstration of comprehension.
Level 3: Students can read text, produce simple writing, perform basic math processes, and can independently demonstrate comprehension of modified learning information.
Transition Planning is designed as a future planning tool for High School and Transition aged students.