Common Terms and Key Definitions Used at Alden Road
MDT - The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) is a group of people, including the parent, that meets to assist in reviewing/updating a student's current educational services and determining the most appropriate services available to address the student’s needs.
IEP – The Individual Educational Plan (IEP) is a plan developed for each student with a disability and is used to document the accommodations, modifications, and supplementary aids and services needed for students to access the curriculum in order to achieve the high standards set by the State of Florida.
Related Services - Related Services are those services that are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education. Some examples of Related Services are transportation, special learning aids, assistive technology, occupational therapy, and physical therapy
Curriculum- The State of Florida has identified one set of Standards for all students; because our students have disabilities, the State has also identified ways for our students to access the State Standards – we call these the “Access Points”. SO…the Access Points to the Florida State Standards is our curriculum. AND…the IEP helps students with disabilities to access the curriculum.
Access Points – Access Points are academic expectations written specifically for students with significant cognitive disabilities. As part of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, access points reflect the essence or core intent of the standards that apply to all students in the same grade, but at reduced levels of complexity. It is expected that only students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are eligible under IDEA will use the access points.
Common Core - The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a nationwide education initiative that seeks to bring diverse state curricula into alignment with each other by following the principles of standards-based education reform.
M.O.V.E. - Mobility Opportunities ViaEducation/Experience (MOVE) is a supplemental, activity-based curriculum designed to teach individuals basic, functional motor skills needed for life in home and community environments. Combining natural body mechanics with an instructional process, it assists individuals to gain independence necessary to sit, stand, and walk.
Every Move Counts - A sensory based approach to communication and assistive technology for individuals with significant sensory motor differences, developmental differences and autism.
SBE - A School Based Enterprise (SBE) is an entrepreneurial operation in a school setting that provides goods/services to meet the needs of the market. SBE's provide realistic and practical learning experiences that reinforce classroom instruction. School-based enterprises are effective educational tools in helping to prepare students for the transition from school to work.