Explore all Baldwin Middle-High School Has to Offer

We have the unique privilege of being the only neighborhood school that serves grades 6 through 12. We also function like a family, with many married couples and alumni on staff, as well as dozens of faculty kids on campus. Sporting events are like a reunion! Sometimes the entire town will shut down for school-related events. As a bonus, we have multiple programs for college, career, or military prep. Baldwin is a special place to call home!

Personalized Learning

At Baldwin, our mission is for every student to graduate with a plan for college, career, or military service AND the skills necessary to be successful with that plan. Every student schedule is custom built to ensure this happens regardless of a test score. We want our students to dream big, work hard, and learn what it takes to accomplish anything they put their mind to.

Safe, Supportive, and Engaging

Parents at Baldwin love the small-town feel of our school and its safe environment. Students and staff are friendly and know each other. We also strive for excellent communication between parents and the school. Finally, parents love the strength of our academic programs and our extracurriculars. There’s just so much for students to be a part of to have a great school experience.

Academic Rigor and School Spirit

Parents love that we set the bar high for their students. We offer varying levels of academic challenge and rigor for students, allowing them to push themselves as far as they want to go! But know that we don't just work hard; we also "play" hard. We have plenty of school spirit and lots of fun activities for students to participate in.

Baldwin Middle-High School Programs

Check out all of the great programs at our school

College Pathway

Early College, AP Capstone, and Traditional Dual Enrollment

Career Pathway

Agriscience, Digital Marketing, and ERAU Unmanned Flight

Service Pathway

Army JROTC for age-appropriate military service prep.

What’s Happening

School Calendar


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