Chets Creek Elementary
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Purpose of the SAC:
To provide parents, citizens, faculty, staff, and students an opportunity to participate in the development of educational priorities, assessment of a school’s needs, and identification of local resources.
Description of SAC's involvement with the following activities, as required by section 1001.452(2), Florida Statutes:
Evaluation of last year's school improvement plan
Development of school improvement plan
Review previous performance data and make recommendations for setting target goals for each area of the plan
In addition the SAC is receiving training on the new Florida standards and the new state assessments.
Preparation of the school's annual budget and plan
The school's budget is presented to SAC with updates provided regularly. Discussion is held where decisions are needed to allow for input on areas that will help further school improvement goals.
Description of use of school improvement funds allocated last year, including the amount budgeted for each project:
The SAC allocated school improvement funds to directly support the school improvement plan. Funds were used to purchase Reflex Math site license, classroom texts to support Social Studies and Science standards, classroom projectors and document cameras.
SAC Membership:
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Chets Creek Elementary SAC, please contact Jessie Didier.