The Ron Clark Academy House System is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. Using RCA’s methods will help your school or district confidently implement processes that build character, relationships, and school spirit. Our guidelines are designed to give you a streamlined framework that can be applied to any type of learning environment.
The Don Brewer Elementary House System features four houses — our learning and leadership communities for students. Each House has unique properties, such as its own color, symbols, nation of heritage, history, and more. Over time, each House also starts to take on its own values and personality-driven by the culture of the students and staff within it. You can learn more about it at: RCA House System
What Is It?
Don Brewer Elementary School has 4 Houses. These houses make up smaller communities within our school. Every staff member and student belongs to a house so everyone feels a sense of belonging at school. Each house represents different traits, history, and traditions. We will have our House Meetings every Early Release Day, so make sure your student is wearing their House Color or the House shirt those days! Also encourage them to practice their House chant and House Hand signal so they can celebrate their House with their House mates!
Why the House System?
Builds character and school-wide community- provides opportunities for students to socialize with peers outside of their classes and with positive adult role models beyond just their classroom teachers
Provides youth leadership opportunities
Promotes a culture of constructive competition - students learn how to be team players, contribute their efforts
toward a group, and learn that those who working hard and stick with it are often the ones rewarded
House Points
Each student’s personal accomplishments are rewarded with points that collectively count towards his/her house. This gives students an opportunity to be recognized and thanked by their peers for their individual contributions to the overall team.
Amistad - The House of Friendship
Isibindi - The House of Courage
Reveur - The House of Dreamers
Altruismo - The House of Givers

DBE's Robotics Program is headed up by Mrs. Crowell, 3rd Grade Math teacher. The program is three years old and is already an award winning program! In the very first year, 2022-2023, the team won the First Lego League Explore Award for the Team Model Award! Inclusion on this team is an application process, and it is chosen each year in August.

The Safety Patrol Program consists of 5th grade students who have shown exemplary characteristics throughout their elementary school years. Students can apply for the patrol program at the end of their 4th grade year. The application consists of essays, academic grades, as well as conduct grades. Students accepted into the Patrol provide safety for our building from 8:00-8:30 each morning and 2:45-3:10 every afternoon. They have assigned posts throughout the school to ensure students who are traveling the halls of the school are safe. This year, the patrols are fundraising in order to go on an end of the year trip to Washington D.C.

Jacksonville-based Cathedral Arts Project, which provides arts education to youth, was founded in 1993 by a small group of volunteers from St. John’s Cathedral in Jacksonville. At first it was one dance class for 10 students; since then it has served at least 30,000 children. It now offers mostly free in-person and virtual programs to children across Duval County and beyond, at public schools, community centers and partner sites. In 2020-21 there were 1,402 youth enrolled in 76 programs at eight sites and in 51 online courses, according to the agency.
The nonprofit employed nine teaching artists, three assistants and an additional three guest artists and provided students about 60 performance and exhibition opportunities throughout the year. The CAP program at Don Brewer focuses on art, visual and media. Cathedral Arts Project's mission is to bring high-quality arts education and make it totally accessible to students.