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Greetings Parents and Guardians! Here are our weekly updates!

If you would like to bring food items in to share with the class during your child's lunch time, please only send store bought cupcakes or pizza for the class. The classes only have 30 minutes for lunch time, and we want to make sure our paraprofessionals are able to give out the birthday treats in a timely manner. Thank you for your support with this!

Parents do you see the announcements about SAC and wonder to yourself, What is SAC? The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a team of people representing various segments of the community–parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, business/ industry people and other interested community members. The purpose of a SAC is to assist in the preparation and evaluation (developing and evaluating) of the results of the school improvement plan and to assist the principal with the annual school budget.

We will have our first meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 3:30. We are in need of a chair and co-chair. Please join us!

This Thursday is Dad's Take Your Child to School Day!

Donuts with DadJoin us for Open House!

open house flyerPlease review the arrival and dismissal information in the flyer below. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Arrival and Dismissal Flyer

PTA has been so gracious to visit all teachers and staff on Tuesdays to treat them with a treat of their choice. Please consider donating to help stock the treat trolly. Information on how you can support is shared in the flyer below!

Teacher Treat Trolly FlyerHave an awesome week everyone!