Clubs and Activities
Tom Ming
Activities Director
Email Tom Ming
5000 Role Models of Excellence
Sponsor: M. Reaves reavesm@duvalschools.org
Meeting times and location:
Anchored 4 Life
Purpose: The Anchored4Life program is the place where connections happen. It is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building transition and resiliency skills. The program provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem, and integrate into their community.
Sponsor: K. Riley archonk1@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
ASL Honor Society
Purpose: American Sign Language Honor Society celebrates and honors students who have made an enthusiastic commitment to the study of ASL and Deaf culture.
Sponsor: K. Byrd byrdk2@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: T-4 1st Thursday of each month after school.
Sponsor: R. Salinas SalinasR@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2281
Beaches Book Club
Purpose: Aims to connect students with classic and contemporary books to grow a love of reading.
Sponsor: P. Bernstein sarvisp@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: once or twice a month at 2:15 in room 104.
Beaches Go Green
Purpose: To educate people about the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and reducing plastic use. We participate in community clean-ups and classroom education at other schools.
Sponsor: D. Westrich westrichd1@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2:10-2:30 every other Tuesday Room 177
Best Buddies
Purpose: Best Buddies is a non-profit organization dedicated to making friendships with people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our club serves and volunteers to help with the development of leadership and inclusiveness for the IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disorders).
Sponsor: J. Chalker chalkerj@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: First Tuesday of the month 2pm Admin Conference Room
Bible Club
Purpose: Help students grow in their faith and knowledge of the Bible.
Sponsor: K. Ebersberger ebersbergerk@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Thursdays 2-3 PM Room #147
Black Student Union
Sponsors: S. Daniels/D. McNair-Pinkney danielss2@duvalschools.org mcnair-pid@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
Brain Brawl
Purpose: To play other high schools in academic competition
Varsity Sponsor: J. Allen allenj7@duvalschools
Meeting time and location: Wednesdays and Fridays from 2:00-3:00 room 176
JV Sponsor: M. Poole poolem@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Fridays 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Room 122
Breast Cancer Awareness
Sponsor: H. Kopp kopph@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
Bridge to Better Days
Purpose: Support homeless/poverty based organizations, opportunities for students to earn community service.
Sponsor: S. Rampacek rampaceks@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2 pm A-day Mondays iroom 136
Calligraphy Club
Purpose: Penmanship, community, artistic, development, donations to Heart foundation fundraising.
Sponsor: T. Blandon Blandont@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: T3
Cards For the Community
Purpose: A program where volunteers make handmade cards for local organizations around the Jax community.
Sponsor: M. Poole poolem@duvalschools.org
The club's Instagram is @fhscftc.
Meeting time and location: 2:05-3:00 twice a month in room 122
Chess Club
Purpose: To challenge your mind and cognitive processing skills and meet new people to have a fun time.
Sponsor: N. Shellhorn shellhornn@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Mondays 2pm room 112
College and Career Readiness Club
Purpose: The purpose of the Career and College Readiness Club is to help guide students to become more successful throughout their academic careers.
Sponsor: J. Powell powellj2@duvalschool.org
Meeting time and location: First Thursday of each month 2pm in the Media Center
CO2 Consequences
Purpose: The goal of Co2nsequences is to unite the student body under a common cause of creating climate change for the betterment of campus.
Sponsor: M. Poole poolem@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2pm once monthly Room 122
Debate Club
Sponsor: N. Shellhorn/S. Daniels shellhornn@duvalschools.org danielss2@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location
DND Club
Sponsor: D. Schott schottd@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
Sponsor: T. Ming mingt@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2269
Sponsor: T. Fallon fallont@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2231
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Purpose: A community working to see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes.
Sponsor: L. Romyanond romyanondl@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Room 151 during both lunches, every other week on last A- day of the week, occasionally after school.
Film Club
Sponsor: T. Ming mingt@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
Fletcher Forensics Science
Purpose: Students will gain understanding and insights into the science of Forensics, the STEM skills needed in this profession, and the role of forensics in society.
Sponsor: K. Dunn dunnk@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
French Honor Society
Purpose: The National French Honor Society (La Societe Honoraire de Francais) aims to stimulate interest in the study of French, to promote high standards of scholarship, to reward scholastic achievements, to create enthusiasm for and an understanding of Francophone culture, and to promote and perpetuate international friendship.
Sponsor: Ms. Pearce woodardm1@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2249
Meeting time and location: Mondays 2pm Room T5
Future Business Leaders of America, Inc. (FBLA)
Purpose: FBLA inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.
Sponsor: Ms. Mcnair-Pinkey mcnair-pid@duvalSchools.org
Meeting time and location: 3rd Thursday of each month 2 pm room 157
Other information: Dues: $20; t-shirt $11
Future Female Leaders
Purpose: To expose the female population and give them more opportunity to find their field, and to pursue their dreams and aspirations.
Sponsor: A. Shepard reddinga@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2:10-3:10 on last Friday of every month room 116
Garden Club
Purpose: To help students learn about gardening while partnering with local gardening groups and volunteering to help improve and maintain them. To build and maintain a garden area in the atrium.
Sponsor: T. Polhemus polhemust@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2nd Wednesday Monthly 2:05 PM Room 184
Purpose: It's about our health and strength. It's about wholeness and wellness. It's about our relationships with ourselves and others. The GROW Club educates teens about mental wellness. The focus is on positive relationships, including how teens feel about themselves. The club also focuses on maintaining a positive climate within the school.
Sponsor: T. Reed reedc1@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location
Purpose: Interact is a service organization whose motto is "Service Above Self." We provide volunteer opportunities to students that support the beach community.
Sponsors: S. Simson simpsons@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2287
S. Daniels danielss2@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2228
H. Kopp kopph@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2259
Meeting time and location:
Jewish Student Union
Purpose: To get more Jewish teens in school to be more involved and educated about Judaism.
Sponsor: S.Daniels danielss2@duvalschools.org
Meeting time: Once a month based on holidays room 135
Purpose: Dedicated to honoring Kate’s kind spirit and inspiring kids to help kids fighting cancer. The mission of the school-based club is to raise awareness, organize kindness projects, and volunteer to support Kate Amato Foundation programs and events.
Sponsor: P. Berstein sarvisp@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Room 104
Key Club
Purpose: Community Service. We are dedicated to improving the community through various volunteer activities.
Sponsor: C. Vanlue vanluec@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Every Tuesday at 2 pm Room 119
Lacrosse 4 Kids Club
Purpose: The purpose of the club is to develop character education through the sport of lacrosse and to grow the sport at local schools. We want to offer clinics at elementary schools.
Sponsor: K. Byrd Byrdk2@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2nd Thursday 2-2:15 Room T-4
Miss Fletcher
Purpose: These young ladies (juniors) will learn interview skills, poise and stage presence, and cultivating their talents in an effort to become Miss Fletcher and win scholarships for college.
Sponsors: K. Salls sallsk@duvalschools
T. Wortherly wortherlyt@duvalschools.org
Mock Trial
Purpose: To learn oral advocacy and debate skills, while learning evidence analysis and the American legal system.
Sponsor: T. Wortherly wortherlyt@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2305
Coach: A. Rumancik amberrumancik@yahoo.com
Meeting time and location
Model United Nations
Purpose: To foster awareness and understanding of current global issues.
Sponsors: S. Daniels danielss2@duvalschools.org
N. Shellhorn shellhornn@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Tuesdays 2pm Room 135
Mu Alpha Theta
Purpose: Mu Alpha Theta is an organization dedicated to promoting scholarships in mathematics and establishing math as an integral part of high school and junior college education.
Sponsors: C. Kennedy kennedyc@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2255
J. Tracy Tracyj2@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2295
Meeting time and location:
National Art Honor Society (NAHS)
Purpose: NAHS purpose is to assist student members to attain their highest potential in all forms of art, and to raise awareness of art education throughout the school and community
Sponsor: K. Grandy brodtk@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
National English Honor Society
Purpose: Academic recognition; networking with others who share an enthusiasm for the language arts; service to peers, school, and community. Recognize high-achieving students in the subject areas of English/Literature and to help get them more involved in service to our school and local communities.
Sponsor: N. Gilbert gilbertn@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Monthly on Thursdays 2:05pm Room T7
National Honor Society
Purpose: To promote scholarship, leadership, service, and character.
Sponsor: S. Kemmerer Kemmerers@duvalschools.org
C. Andrews andrewsc@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: First Tuesday and Third Thursday of the month 2pm Media Center
Newspaper Club
Sponsors: T. Devaney devaneyt@duvalschools.org
M. Burton burtonm@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location:
Paws For a Cause
Purpose: Raise awareness and volunteer opportunities for students in our community for animals.
Sponsor: D. Schott SchottD@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Room 236
Pickleball Club
Purpose: To promote the sport of pickleball in a safe environment and in a sportsmanlike manner; provide the opportunity for all members to learn and improve their play and encourage social pickleball throughout the community.
Sponsor: T. Foppiano foppianot@duvalschools.org 904.343.3183
Meeting time and location: Last Wednesday of every month on early release days at 12:20pm and practices will be held from 2:45pm – 4:00pm every Wednesday in room 182.
Science National Hornor Society
Puropose: Our mission is to encourage leadership and support students' academic acievements in science.
Sponsor: S. Van Pelt VanpeltS@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2297
Meeting time and location:
Senior Class
Sponsors: K. Salls: sallsk@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2282
R. Banks: banksr@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2213
T. Wortherly wortherlyt@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2305
SGA (Student Government)
Purpose: Student Government, leadership skills, Develop positive peer relationships, various future college opportunities
Sponsor: P. Bernstein: sarvisp@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Room 104
Sisters at Fletcher High School
Purpose: Educate and inspire young women to be successful by addressing issues that challenge and influence their lives. Minimize ever-increasing statistics as it relates to bullying. Prevent dropouts by increasing education, mentoring, positive choices, and guided decision-making.
Sponsor: D. Mcnair- Pinkey mcnair-pid@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: First and third Thursday of each month 2 pm in room 157.
Spanish Honor Society
Purpose: To promote the study of Spanish language and culture in our communities.
Sponsor: F. Usher usherf@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Every other Wednesday 2 pm in T-1
Surfrider Foundation
Purpose: Dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's ocean, waves, and beaches, for all people through a powerful activist network.
Meeting time and location:
Speak Up Club
Purpose of the Club: You will commit to being an ambassador of kindness each day, so they may lead an example and support ending the stigma associated with mental health.
Sponsor: S. Daniels danielss2@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 2pm Mondays Room 135
Women In STEM
Purpose: To encourage young ladies to pursue careers in STEM. Empower and inspire ladies to recognize their own potential in a STEM field.
Sponsor: T. Polhemus polhemust@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: Room 184
Purpose: Yearbook Club/Class is a student-focused publication club/class where students work together to collaboratively build the Senator yearbook each year. Yearbook Club/Class meets during 3rd period and after school to work on the yearbook, plan page designs using eDesign, write captions and headings for pages by interviewing students, learn how to take and arrange the pictures taken by the school photographers, and sale business ads to our community.
Sponsors: S. Murrell murrells@duvalschools.org (904) 455-2271
M. Huff huffm@duvalschools.org
Meeting time and location: 3rd period Room T-8
Young Life
Purpose: Young life is all about supporting kids right where they're at. Our leaders intentionally build positive relationships with adolescents to create space for belonging. Our hope is to connect with kids experiencing loneliness, pressure and times of anxiety or depression, to introduce joy, hope and real connection.
Sponsor: A. Magill abbymagill.yl@gmail.com
Meeting Time and location: Tuesday Nights at 7:27pm