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Herff Jones Cap and Gown Orders

Yearbooks: Senior Ads for the Yearbook can be purchased via the link below

Senior Class of 2025

Graduation Coordinator: Ms. Salls -

Grad Bash: April 11, 2025

Senior Dues: $30.00 (Mandatory) – Pay online via School Cash Online – Must be paid with cash after Friday, 5/16/25.

Yearbooks: Yearbooks can be picked up from Mrs. Giacchetto in the main office. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, you can purchase one for $105 (cash or check) in the main office on a first come first served basis. An announcement will be made when yearbooks arrive.

Obligations: Please see Mrs. Gonzalez in guidance to check for obligations (team uniforms, textbooks, art fees, etc.) and Ms. Westberry or Ms. Deason in attendance to check on laptop obligations. All obligations must be taken care of before you will receive your cap and gown for graduation.

Senior Week Activities:

5/16 - Friday - 9am: Senior Class Assembly/Graduation Infor (Auditorium)

5/19 - Monday - 11:am - 1:00pm: Senior Class Picnic (Stadium)

5/20 - Tuesday - 9:00am - 10:30am: Senior Class Breakfast/Yearbook Signing (Brix)

5/21 - Wednesday - 8:00am - 10:00am: Cap and Gown Distribution (Auditorium) - Students will receive 10 graduation tickets as well.

5/21 - Wednesday - 6:00pm: Senior Awards Cermony (Auditorium)

5/22 - Thursday - 7:00am: Extra Graduation Ticket pick up (Main Office)

Graduation: May 23, 2025 5:00 pm at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena

Class of 2025: Guidelines for Decorating Mortarboards


Please take into consideration the following rules when decorating your mortarboard (graduation cap).

Failure to follow these rules will result in a replacement cap being given to you at graduation, at your own expense ($10)! 

Your cap decorations MUST fit into one of the following categories:

  1. Thank a parent, grandparent, teacher, friend

  2. Recognize your post-secondary plans (college, trade school, military, career field)

  3. Your graduation year

  4. Flag of home country

  5. A club, sport, or honor society

  6. Inspirational/religious quote

Decorations must be: 2-dimensional, flat on the top of the mortarboard, and cannot make noise, hang from any sides of the cap, or light-up. Must also be school appropriate and cannot:

  • Contain any advertisement, symbols, abbreviations, initials, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that: refer to drugs or controlled substances, tobacco, alcohol, weapons, or be of sexual nature.

  • Denote an affiliation with gangs or which advocate drug use, violence, illegal activity, or disruptive behavior which is detrimental to the safety and welfare of other students.

  • Be obscene, profane, vulgar, or lewd.

  • Indicate numbers other than the graduation year.

  • Threaten the safety of welfare of any person.

Decorated caps will be checked upon entrance to graduation!!

Students, we highly suggest you trace your cap onto cardboard and decorate the cardboard. In case you make a mistake, you can start over with a new piece of cardboard. We will not furnish new caps if you mess yours up decorating. After you decorate it, stick it to your cap with double-sided tape or Velcro stickers. Velcro tape can be purchased at any fabric store, Target, Wal-Mart, and throughout many CVS and Walgreens stores.

Administration will reserve the right to prohibit anything that is not considered appropriate for the commencement ceremony.

If a design is deemed inappropriate while at graduation, your cap will be taken and you will be required to purchase a new cap on site at your own expense ($10). A cap is required to participate in the ceremony. If a new cap is not purchased, you will not be allowed to walk during the commencement ceremony.