Registration Information & Kindergarten Dismissal Form
Face Coverings Required on Bus and in School
The best way to slow the transmission of COVID-19 in a school setting is to require all staff and students to wear face coverings throughout the day. Kindergarten through second grade students will be issued a clear plastic face shield, which may be used in addition to or instead of a cloth face covering. Students with disabilities or medical conditions that prevent a face covering may also use a clear plastic shield or another reasonable accommodation. Face coverings will not be required in P.E., recess, band, music and other classes in which the facial covering is an obvious impediment to learning activities.
Contact Information
Bridge to Reopening
Face Coverings Required on Bus and in School
The best way to slow the transmission of COVID-19 in a school setting is to require all staff and students to wear face coverings throughout the day. Kindergarten through second grade students will be issued a clear plastic face shield, which may be used in addition to or instead of a cloth face covering. Students with disabilities or medical conditions that prevent a face covering may also use a clear plastic shield or another reasonable accommodation. Face coverings will not be required in P.E., recess, band, music and other classes in which the facial covering is an obvious impediment to learning activities.
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