All Grades ELA - Summer Assignment
All Students:
Exact Path Language Arts for 40 minutes weekly. (Log-in through Blended Learning)
And, read 1 book:
If you choose a fiction book, you need to complete the following:
The book must be a minimum of 150 pages.
First, give a summary of the story (at least one paragraph). Be sure to include the title and author.
Next, write the name of the main character.
Write 3 traits that this character exhibits.
For each trait, give a quote from the book that shows that trait.
Explain how each quote shows the character trait. Each explanation should be at least two sentences.
Finally, state the name of another character in the book.
Write 3 traits that the character exhibits.
For each trait, give a quote from the book that shows that trait.
Explain how each quote shows the character trait. Each explanation should be at least two sentences.
If you choose a nonfiction book, you need to complete the following:
The book must be at least 150 pages.
First, give a summary of the book (at least one paragraph). Be sure to include the title and author.
Next, choose 8 quotes from throughout the book.
Explain how each quote is important to the content of the book. Each explanation should be at least two sentences.