Students are welcomed into the building at 8:00 am every morning through the side double doors.
Breakfast will be served in the classrooms from 8:24am-8:45 am.
Students should arrive between 8:00 am and 8:24 am.
Students arriving after 8:35 am will need to get a tardy slip from the front office.
There is no supervision of students prior to 8:00 am so PLEASE do NOT drop students off prior to 8:00 am.
Dismissal for 3-5:
Car Rider dismissal begins at 2:55pm and at 1:15pm on Early Release Wednesdays.
Vehicles should enter the car rider circle from Park St.
Please do not cut into the line.
Remain in the vehicle.
Place the pick up card in the car window.***You must have a Pick My Kid car tag in order to pick up your child. If you do not have a car tag you will be directed to the front office to show your I.D. *****
Your child will be called and placed in the vehicle
Walkers are dismissed at 3:00pm at the back of the school and at 1:15 on Early Release Wednesdays.
Students must cross at the crossing guard. They may NOT walk through the parking lots.
Busses are dismissed at 2:55.
Students are seated with their bus
When the bus arrives they are lined up, Checked off a list, and walked to the bus.