Blue Graphic Banner


  • Students are welcomed into the building at 8:00 am every morning through the side double doors.

  • Breakfast will be served in the classrooms from 8:24am-8:45 am. 

  • Students should arrive between 8:00 am and 8:24 am. 

  • Students arriving after 8:35 am will need to get a tardy slip from the front office. 

  • There is no supervision of students prior to 8:00 am so PLEASE do NOT drop students off prior to 8:00 am.

Dismissal for 3-5:

Car Rider dismissal begins at 2:55pm and at 1:15pm on Early Release Wednesdays.

  • Vehicles should enter the car rider circle from Park St.

  • Please do not cut into the line.

  • Remain in the vehicle.

  • Place the pick up card in the car window.***You must have a  Pick My Kid car tag in order to pick up your child. If you do not have a car tag you will be directed to the front office to show your I.D. *****

  • Your child will be called and placed in the vehicle

Walkers are dismissed at 3:00pm at the back of the school and at 1:15 on Early Release Wednesdays.

  • Students must cross at the crossing guard. They may NOT walk through the parking lots.

Busses are dismissed at 2:55. 

  • Students are seated with their bus

  • When the bus arrives they are lined up, Checked off a list, and walked to the bus.