Effective communication between parents/guardians, teachers, and students is crucial for success. Here at JRMS, we encourage parents/guardians to actively engage with their child’s teacher and maintain regular communication. You are welcome to reach out to your child’s counselor and/or teachers at any time during the school year to arrange a conference. To ensure that the teacher is available and well-prepared with the necessary materials and student information, please schedule your appointment in advance with our guidance department. Note that conferences cannot be held during instructional hours when students are in class. Thank you for your continued support in your child's education!
Counselors Contact Information
Seanta Jones-Sumter
Counselor 6th (Last Names A - L) and All 8th Grade
Email: Joness19@duvalschools.org
Phone: (904) 924-3062
Dyamond Felton
Counselor 6th (Last Name M - Z) and All 7th Grade
Email: Rogersd2@duvalschools.org
Phone: (904) 924-3062