Registration procedures have changed due to COVID-19.
Registration will be completed online. Submit all required documents listed below to the Guidance Department as indicated by grade level.
All New Students to Ribault Middle School
Submit Registration Checklist
Parent/Legal Guardian - Identification
Completed Registration Application
Emergency Contact
Proof of Address - (please review the checklist for acceptable documents for proof of address)
Immunization (All 7th grade students are required to have a TDAP vaccine)
Annual Physical
Current IEP or 504 Plan (If Applicable)
Medical Authorization Form (If Applicable)
Proof of birth (Birth certificate, passport, religious records)
Academic Records - New to DCPS
6th Grade
Mrs. Jones – Data Entry Clerk
Email Mrs. Jones
(904) 924-3062
Information listed above is required for all 6th grade students where applicable
7th Grade
Ms. Rogers – Guidance Counselor
Email Ms. Rogers
(904) 924-3062
Updated Emergency Contact Form
Immunization (All 7th grade students are required to have a TDAP vaccine)
Annual Physical
*Proof of Address (If your address has changed, review the Registration Checklist for approved documents required)
8th Grade
Mrs. Sumpter – Guidance Counselor
Email Mrs. Sumpter
(904) 924-3062
Updated Emergency Contact Form
Annual Physical
Proof of Address (If your address has changed, review the Registration Checklist for approved documents required)
Important Information
All documents are required at the time of registration.
A completed Registration Packet does not guarantee enrollment at the school. The documents will be reviewed and parents will be notified.
Parents/Guardians, in the event you are unable to complete the registration packet and submit the required documentation online, you must contact the individual listed above associated with your student’s respective grade level to schedule an appointment.
Appointments ONLY for assistance with registration at the school!