Join us on Thursday, December 19th from 5:30-7:00 PM for our annual Holiday Extravaganza.
about 2 months ago, Love Grove Elementary
Love Grove Elementary School families, This is principal Parris informing you that the school is currently on a lockout due to police activity in the area. All students and staff are safe. I remind you that when a school is on lockout, no one is allowed to enter or leave the school. So, at this time, please do not come to the school.  We will keep you informed if any additional information becomes available. Thank you, and we will inform you when more information becomes available. Thanks again
3 months ago, Tiffanie McClain-Richmond
Federal Impact Aid Survey Information
3 months ago, Love Grove Elementary
Congratulations to Ms. Lovelyn Villar our Love Grove Elementary School's Teacher of the Year.
3 months ago, Love Grove Elementary
Picture Day is October 29th.
4 months ago, Love Grove Elementary
Picture Day  October 29th
Join LGE for our annual Trunk or Treat Thursday October 24, 2024 from 5-6 pm.
4 months ago, Love Grove Elementary
2024-2025 Orientation August 9th 10:00-11:00
6 months ago, Love Grove Elementary