Lone Star Elementary 2024-2025
Lone Star Elementary offers a variety of clubs for students. Please see below for information about each club:
Patrols. Students in 5th grade who demonstrate leadership qualities are elected the previous year to serve as Patrols. Student Safety Patrols is a program sponsored by AAA that encourages students to practice safety regulations to and from school. The program is over 100 years old and responsible for decreasing the amount of pedestrian related accidents during the school year. Mrs. Thies and Mrs. Haynes are the Patrol Sponsors.
WLSE School News Team. Students from 4th & 5th grades who are interested in learning about being a news anchor. Students record segments for an in school news broadcast. Ms. McCumber is the WLSE News Sponsor
Student Council. This club designed for our students who exhibit leadership qualities and are motivated to make a difference in our school and community. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and have good conduct. Student Council completes a variety of community service projects throughout the community. Mrs. Haynes and Mrs. Bernard are the Student Council sponsors.
Girls On The Run. This transformational learning program for 8 to 13 year-old girls (3rd-5th grade). Students will learn life skills through dynamic, conversation-based lessons and running games. The program culminates with the girls being physically and emotionally prepared to complete a celebratory 5k running event. Ms. Pedro and Mrs. Thies are the GOTR Sponsors.