Frequently Asked Questions
Do we get lockers?
No. At Lake Shore Middle School we utilize the CHAMPS model for transition from class to class. All students will have a textbook in class and will be given books needed for the home. Anything needed in class will be kept in a back pack. Our teachers will escort students from class to class, to and from lunch, and to and from electives.
What can we wear?
At Lake Shore Middle School, we are proud to have students in uniform. 6th graders will wear a BLACK Polo shirt, 7th GRAY, and 8th MAROON. Students must wear black or khaki dress pants. No jeans, shorts, capris, tights, jeggings, leggings, skirts. No vests, shirts, or hoodies are to be worn over the uniform.
What are school hours?
Where do I go when I get to school?
No student is allowed on campus before 9:05 AM. Any student who will be on campus MUST be register for our early care program at a cost of $60 per month. Mr. Tyson is the coordinator of this program. Otherwise, students cannot be on campus. At 9:05AM students arrive and will report directly to Breakfast. All students will report directly to their first period breakfast location. These locations will be shared during orientations.
Is breakfast and lunch free?
Yes, breakfast and lunch is free for ALL students and we encourage everyone eat breakfast; it’s good for you!
What grade do I have to be to play sports?
6th, 7th, and 8th graders may play sports. Students must have a physical and proof of insurance to participate.
After School Tutoring/Credit Recovery
Students will have the option to remain after school for tutoring or credit recovery. Students will need to either ride the activity bus or be picked up by 6PM. Details will be shared at orientation. We will NOT have a Team Up program this school year.
What is the schedule like?
Students will have a total of 7 classes. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th period All classes are 45-minutes.
Can I pick my elective?
We try to accommodate students’ choices for their elective. Students who earn a Level 1 & 2 on the reading FSA will automatically be scheduled in an English class and either Enrichment Reading 1 or 2 that includes an On the Record reading curriculum to help accelerate student reading skills and comprehension. FSA level 3, 4, and 5 will be scheduled in an advance ELA class that incorporates novel based studies. Level 1 &2 Math students will receive Enrichment Math.
All students will have PE/Health.
What if I need to talk to someone?
Lake Shore Middle has an Assistant Principal for each community and guidance counselors who are there to help you.
Am I allowed to bring and use my cell phone, Ipods, MP3 player?
You may have them on campus. If you have them out and in use, you risk them being taken by a teachers. These devices are permitted on campus, but should not be visible during school hours. Lake Shore is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen devices.