Mamie Agnes Jones Elementary School Extended Day Program
Extended Day Enrollment is currently available! Click here to be redirected to the district site to enroll.
Purpose: Extended Day is a fee-based before and after school program for the children of working parents/guardians.
Hours: The program operates on days school is in session for students.
7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Fees: It is the policy of the Duval County School System that all payments must be received prior to services being rendered. Extended Day fees are charged on a monthly basis for those days will be as follows:
Mornings: $75
Afternoons: $135
Both: $210
*with the exceptions noted in the schedule below
(Please note that there are no "drop-ins.")
A payment schedule for the school year can be found on the district website when you enroll.
Payment for the first month will be due at the time of registration
REGISTRATION for the 2023-2024 School Year:
Make sure you have the following information when registering:
Child's home address and phone number
Work and cell phone numbers and addresses of any family and friends who will be allowed to pick up your child from Extended Day.
Child's Physician, address and phone number
Online payment through Eleyo
Court Documents if applicable.
Please contact the school at 904-266-1214 and ask to speak with the extended day director if you have any questions or concerns.