Dean Ledford
Principal Fletcher High School and The Marince Science Education Center
700 Seagate Ave.
Neptune Beach, FL 32266
The Marne Science Education Center is one of the most unique schools in Duval County. It serves both a High School and an Elementary School population.
The Elementary program sees more than 8,500 fifth grade students in the Duval County Public School System. The labs and activities that we facilitate are designed to follow the science objectives of the fifth grade science curriculum. This unique program helps to spark the 5th graders' love for the local marine environment and improve their knowledge for their FCAT science test.
The High School program is a dropout prevention program for student from 16 to 19 years of age. This program is tied into a Vocational Commercial Fishing course that allows students to spend time out on the water in the school's 26 foot boat. The students in the program graduate by passing the GED test, 10th grade Reading FCAT, and the end of course exam for Algebra I. We want to encourage our High School Students to start dreaming again about their goals they had set before becoming at-risk students. We want to show them we care by what we say, but even more by our actions.
Dean Ledford
Email Dean Ledford