Students are expected to come to school with proper attention given to personal cleanliness, grooming and neatness of dress. School uniforms are required. The uniform consists of a solid color collared shirt and black, navy, or khaki bottoms. No Jeans!
Students are required to wear appropriate footwear at all times. For safety purposes, no backless shoes should be worn. Crocs are not allowed. Shoes with laces must be tied. Shoes with buckles must be worn buckled.
Hats, hoodies, or caps of any kind are not worn in the building.
No make-up such as eye shadow, lipstick, or rouge is allowed.
Hair rollers or bonnets are not allowed.
Bandannas are not allowed
Uniform assistance is provided for families in need. Please stop by the main office for support.
If a student does not follow the school dress code, the parents are called to bring appropriate clothing.