Student Drop-Off Procedures
Parents who elect to drive their students to school should drive thru the front circle and wait for a staff member to retrieve their students from the carline.
If you arrive later than 9:15 am, please ring the bell at the front office. The front office staff will call into your student's classroom and a staff member will come to retrieve your student. No parents will be allowed to walk their students back to the classroom. Teachers are expected to be teaching and will not be available to conference with parents without an appointment.
Student Pick-up Procedures
No early check-outs after 2:30 p.m. If you arrive after 2:30 p.m., you will need to wait in your car in the pick-up circle in front of the school. Staff will bring your student out to your car.
If you are allowing another individual to pick up your student, you must indicate the name of that person on the school emergency information form.
ALL persons picking up students must show proper ID before the student will be allowed to leave. No student will be allowed to leave campus with any person whose name does not appear on the student's emergency information form. This is a district policy and there are no exceptions.