All visitors must be pre-scheduled and will be required to check in at the school to receive a sticker pass before traveling on campus. All visitors are required to wear a face mask while on campus. For security purposes, no adults or children are permitted on school grounds (outside the main office) without proper identification.
Volunteers are a vital part of student success at our school. The time spent at the school is invaluable both to the student who benefits from this service and the volunteer who gives himself/herself to support education at the school level. There are many ways that volunteers assist with the programs at Oak Hill Academy. Teachers often need assistance with grading, setting a classroom theme, putting together student learning packs, etc. There are also opportunities to assist with various screenings, becoming a classroom reader, or assisting with some of the programs that occur throughout the school year. We encourage you to invest at least one hour this school year at our school. Please contact our volunteer liaison at the school for more information.
To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers must complete an application and undergo a criminal, background screening, free of charge. Please note - DCPS is no longer using volunteer cards as proof of clearance. Designated school staff will verify volunteer clearance using our online program. To complete a volunteer application, go to duvalschools.org and then choose the "community" tab and follow the "volunteers" link.
After completing the application, cards are mailed to the volunteers. Volunteer hours must be prearranged. Please make sure you check in at the main office when you arrive to volunteer at the school.