Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival Procedures:
School Arrival (8:00 AM-8:25 AM)
Please do not drop off your student prior to this time, as there is no supervision.
We are asking that kids arrive closer to 8:25am since breakfast will not start until then.
All students will be greeted when they arrive to school.
Parents/guardians may not walk their students into the building. If parents/guardians choose to walk with their student to the entrance ONLY, social distancing will be expected at all times.
Students in grades PreK-1st will stand/sit outside classroom doors until 8:25am. Students in grades 2nd- 5th will sit in the cafeteria.
Students who arrive late must enter at the front door of the main office accompanied by a parent/guardian. Parent/guardian must sign check-in log when students are tardy,
ALL Car riders- All car riders will be dropped off in the car rider loop located in the back of the school. Car Riders will be greeted by adults and patrols when exiting the car to enter the campus.
Bus riders- Students will be greeted at the bus loop by Mrs. Brass
Walkers- Students will be greeted at the entrance
Dismissal Procedures:
Dismissal Procedures – Early Check-Out
If parents/guardians wish to check-out their students early, they will be asked to call the school when they are in the front parking lot/loop and meet a staff member at the front door.
The student will be called to the front office with their belongings and walked to the front door.
A staff member will check the ID of the parent/guardian and sign out the student for documentation.
No early checks out after 2:00 PM on regular school days.
No early check outs after 12:15 PM on Early Release days.
Dismissal Procedures – General
Students will shift to dismissal areas with an assigned teacher.
Social Distancing will be enforced during dismissal.
VPK will dismiss at 2:45P.M.. VPK area is located behind the Cafeteria
Bus and Daycare will dismiss at 2:45pm. Bus riders will be escorted to the bus loading zone as buses arrive. Daycare will be picked up from classes and escorted the area behind the cafeteria for dismissal.
K-5th Car Riders will be escorted by an assigned teacher to the Music and STEM Lab. They will be called via walkie talkie and then escorted to their cars.
TEAM Up will begin on August 15th (subject to change). Students will be escorted by an adult to the cafeteria for snack and check in.