Senior package members your permission slip for senior activity night is now available. See Ms. Starn. They will be due no later than next Friday, March 7th at 3:00pm.
Congratulations to the Boys Tennis team for crushing Mandarin with a 7-0 performance and the Girls Tennis team smashed it with a 6-1 win. Way to show Mandarin how the Pack gets it done.
Congratulations to the Lady Pack Softball team on their win last night over Terry Parker 24-1. Leading hitters were Emerson Mercer, Isabel Nieves, Madison Saling and Sarah Wisniewski. Madison Saling threw a no hitter.
If you have lost an item this school year, please check the lost and found in the main office. All items will be donated after Friday.
Attention students interested in the Vystar Internship Program. The final day to submit your completed application is Monday March 3rd. Please see Ms. Godinez in the Wolfson Vystar Branch during lunch to pick up an application.
As we have reminded you all year, you students cannot park without purchasing a parking decal. Any student without a decal will be assessed a $40 fee which will be put on your obligations list. This fee will be added to your account every time your car is caught without a decal. On top of the fee, you still must purchase a parking decal. To purchase a decal you will need to pay the $40 on school cash and then see Mr. Fiore before or after school with the receipt that you have paid, your driver's license, and your vehicle registration.
Remember that there are many options for tutoring at Wolfson. Please check your weekly newsletter.