If you are interested in playing football, Spring football begins April 28th, this will be a great way to some experience heading into the fall. If you would like more information, stop by and see Coach Wilson. You will receive information about after school workouts, clearance and expectations.

Seniors, the Senior Activity night this Friday, March 14th, has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. The senior activity night will be on April 17th from 6 to 10 pm.

Congratulations to the Girls Tennis team for shutting out Paxon with a 7-0 win. Great job.

NHS Members - There is a mandatory meeting this Thursday in the CRC during your lunch.

Generation WOW is hosting a donation drive for domestic violence survivors, benefiting the Hubbard House until April 1st.  They are collecting baby items, household products, children’s and women’s clothing, non-perishable foods, kitchen items toiletries, umbrellas, and toys.  Donations can be dropped off in the cafeteria or the front office.  As a thank-you, anyone who donates can grab a sweet treat. 

Put those basketball skills to use.  Sign up to compete in the 3x3 basketball tournament sponsored by the Debate Team.  The tournament is Wednesday, March 12th after school at 3:15 in the gym.  The cost is $20.00 per team and you can have 4 people in you want a sub.  See Ms. Losure in room 17 for a registration packet and that is also where you will turn in your registration form and payment. 

Remember that there are many options for tutoring at Wolfson.  Please check your weekly newsletter.